Thursday, July 26, 2007

Yellow Water

When we came home from Branson, the water coming out of our tap was Yellow! I called the city to see what was going on. Their first response was to play dumb and say "What do you mean? What's wrong with it?". Only after I tell them it's yellow, will they admit that they've had to repair 2 broken water mains recently. They tell me to turn on all my faucets and flush all my toilets and that should clear it up. (yeah, right) It's been 2 more days and it's still not clear yet. I'm thinking this might be a good time to practice brushing my teeth with bottled water. (This is something we'll have to do when were in China)

Yesterday, I was mowing the yard and the tire on the mower went flat. It turned out that I'd got a little too close to the gate and poked a hole in the side of it. I knew it couldn't be patched or plugged. I had to remove it and try to find someone who carried an odd sized tire, so I could finish mowing. I was hot, and sweaty, and mad. And if that wasn't enough, as I was getting tools to work on the riding mower, I found water on the floor of the garage. After moving a bunch of junk and opening the utility closet, I found that the drain for the condensation from the AC and overflow for the hot water tank was clogged and water was all the way to the top and dripping from it. When it rains it pours.

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