Wednesday, October 24, 2007

We're Home!

My plan was to update our adoption website, while we were in China, and then to resume blogging here, when we returned. Well, we've been home for about 3 weeks now, and I'm finally adding a new post. My home PC has contracted a virus that I've been trying to get rid of, and have not had much luck. It's affected part of the operating system, and it looks like I'm going to have to reformat the drive and start over. I won a free computer at the Tulsa Tech Fest, so I'm moving files to it now and will let it replace my other machine, which I'll redo later.

A lot has happened since we've returned. I've learned that people are more interested in seeing pictures of the baby than hearing about me, so I'm going to post lots of pictures on this posting. My first set of pictures are from our airport party. These were all taken by our friend Melissa. The girl in the last picture is Melissa's daughter who is about 1 month older than Alyssa.

In the next set of pictures, we are swimming at a hotel pool with Alyssa's older brother, Greg.

The next set of pictures is of Alyssa and me taking a dip in the hot tub, just before bedtime. Alyssa really enjoys pools and hot tubs. We don't keep our hot tub as hot as most people do.

The last set of pictures are of Alyssa taking a bath in her rubber duckie shaped baby tub.

Hopefully, I'll be able to start blogging here on a more regular basis.

1 comment:

RoLo said...

Glad to see you are home safe and sound. Enjoyed the update and the photos.