On Saturday morning we drove back home so we could have another birthday party for Shawn's family. Alyssa's "second" party was held at Incrdible Pizza in Tulsa. Having the party at Incrdible Pizza made it much easier on us. We picked up a cake we ordered from Sam's and just showed up with the birthday girl. The birthday package we purchased included the all you can eat buffet for everyone and a game card that allowed everyone to play all the games they wanted for an hour.

This picture is Alyssa with her cousins. (L-R Rhianon, Erica, Lilly, & Gwen)

After everybody ate, we opened gifts. Most of the bows ended up being worn by Alyssa on her head, as you can see in the next picture.

Then we cut the cake and ate it with some ice cream from the buffet. This cake had strawberry filling and was very tasty.

After eating cake, we all went to the game room to play. Everyone had a good time playing, including me and Shawn.
She gets cuter with every photo!!! Hug and kiss that girl for me!
aaah love the photo with the ribbons in her hair hehe
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